I love running into former students. Many are surprised to see me at their local farmers market or Christmas craft fair. It usually results in hugs, a quick catch-up, a "what year did you graduate again?", or me telling the story of my project and helping them pick out the best gift. I've been watching this student on the news for years; I always thought fondly that he was doing what he had planned to do, and turned his high school drama training and public speaking skills into a career. This time, the conversation turned into this. Please read the article, (I can't post the link on other social media sites). and you might possibly see me on the news.
UPDATE! The story made the CTV national news last night and my kids made fun of me as I cried while watching it. People all over have been sending me messages and my heart is full.
See full video here at 20 minute mark https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9B6DgHbWE0g&pp=ygURY3R2IG5hdGlvbmFsIG5ld3M%3D
or CTV video.
Thank you again, Nick. I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me.
